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Rhoda Goldman Plaza

Infinite Imagination

    Annual Resident Art Show Reception Sunday, April 7, 2:00–4:00 p.m. Enjoy a delightful ReceptionSunday, April 7 • 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.Music, Hors d’oeuvres, WineCommunity Art Gallery Reception for our annual resident show. A selection of paintings created weekly in classes with Andrew Mills from Art… Read More »Infinite Imagination

    Lea Wood Paintings

    Lea Wood Paintings

      August 1–September 30th Originally from Durban, a busy port on the Indian Ocean on the eastern coast of South Africa, Lea was introduced to paint and clay by her mother’s friend who was an art teacher and successful sculptor. She was fascinated by women sitting… Read More »Lea Wood Paintings

      Rhoda Goldman Plaza Residents

      Unsurpassed. For Good Reason.

        Unsurpassed. For Good Reason. We can easily extoll the virtues of our uniquely remarkable community. However, hearing from the people who live at Rhoda Goldman Plaza and their adult children speaks with greater volume. For example: “I Feel The Welcoming And Comfort Of What I Have… Read More »Unsurpassed. For Good Reason.